Pet Blood Bank UK (PBBuk), is the UK’s first national canine blood donation charity to collect, process and store blood products which are used to save the lives of hundreds of dogs every year in transfusions and operations.
Helping Pets to Save Lives
Muffin, Sally and Tom are proud to give blood to help other dogs.
December 2012 - Muffin saves the life of a dog in Switzerland.
Blackie was critically ill with kidney and liver failure caused by deadly Weill’s disease requiring four plasma transfusions when its Swiss vets appealed to Pet Blood Bank UK for supplies – a first for Switzerland.
Proud owner Daphne said: “Mr Muffin’s plasma, frozen, was flown to Bern just before Christmas. It made up one of Blackie’s transfusions and we’ve just heard the recipient is home and expected to make a full recovery.
Read the full story as reported by Spalding Today by clicking on the picture below
Here we are at our donation in September 2012 .
Our brothers and sisters have sometimes had have extra blood, so we are really pleased we can give ours for others.
Find out more about Pet Blood Bank here,
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