A few of the friends Daphne has picked up along the way: | ||
SUPPLIERSSpalding Bulbs
Boston Seeds
Thompson & Morgan seed merchants.
MEDIA, BROADCASTING, PUBLISHERSDaphne's books at Amazon.co.uk www.Amazon.co.uk All of Daphne's books are available online. Readers' Digest http://www.readersdigest.co.uk/ General interest magazine with worldwide circulation, est. 1922. Something for everyone. MISCELLANEOUS SITESElwood Briggs & Turnerhttp://www.elwoodandbriggs.co.uk/ Veterinary surgery, Boston, Lincs. Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary http://www.fenbankgreyhounds.co.uk/ A charity which finds homes for greyhounds which no longer race. ..... ..... Diversity Website http://www.suttonelms.org.uk Multi-topic site with sections on broadcasting, apple grafting, apple varieties and potatoes. Habitat21 Website http://www.habitat21.co.uk/ Site focusing on our energy needs and resources and how to live in a more sustainable way. Lincolnshire Tourism http://www.visitlincolnshire.com/ The secrets of one of England's most beautiful counties. Edgewater Greyts http://www.greyts.com/ Lots about greyhounds - personal website by two enthusiasts. |